Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty - Reeds Real Estate

Top Reasons to Use a Realtor to Buy a New Construction Home in Hampton

A Skilled Realtor Ensures You the Perfect New Construction Home in Hampton 

If you and your family have decided to invest in a new home, one of your first decisions will be to purchase a resale property or a new construction home in Hampton. Finding a resale home that meets each and every criteria on your list, is within your budget, and is located in the ideal place in Hampton is a tall order. Why not consider investing in a new construction home in Hampton so you can control every aspect of the home’s look without making any concessions?

Does this sound like a great idea? If so, you need to work with an experienced and skilled realtor in the area to help you through the home building process. It is not just a matter of meeting with a contractor, signing a contract, and moving in when the home is ready. There are a variety of factors to consider and things to remember to ensure that you are 100% satisfied with the result of the construction.

Our realtors at Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty - Reeds Real Estate are here to protect your financial investments and to make sure that your best interests are always a top priority. We will keep you well-informed at every step of the process to ensure that you are always making the best decisions for yourself and your family. All the information we provide is comprehensive because we know how important it is to be fully informed to make the best choices. We are also here to discuss the many benefits of working with a realtor throughout the home building process. Some of these advantages include:

1. Your Priorities Are Number 1 for Us

At Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty - Reeds Real Estate, our real estate team is dedicated to making sure that you have the best and most relaxing home building experience possible. One way we are able to accomplish this is by making your priorities our top concern. We advocate for you at all times because we know that our realtors are the only ones who can and will. 

It is important to remember that home builders will have advocates on their team who will watch out for their interests and make sure they can make a solid profit. With our realtors on your side, you can rest assured that you will not be taken advantage of and your interests will be a major aspect of every discussion with the home builders. When you work with us, you can rest assured that you will enjoy the process, be totally satisfied with your new construction home in Hampton, and understand every part of the process.

We are very well-versed in all aspects of the home building process, and our realtors work diligently to keep your interests in mind, especially during the negotiations with the builder. You will never have to worry about being taken advantage of or being misled by the home builder, and your home will have every feature and amenity you have ever wanted.

At the beginning of the home building process, the contractor will give you a tour of a model home. This home will be ideal for almost every taste and will include a variety of great features such as granite countertops, crown molding, and upgraded appliances. Unfortunately, what the builder does not tell you is that these features are not standard in every new home – they are add-ons that need to be requested and paid for. 

If you want your new construction home in Hampton to have these or any other similar features, be sure our realtors are aware and can negotiate with the builder for you to get the best price.

2. Make Sure Negotiations Always Go Your Way

If you have never negotiated with a builder before, it can be a difficult and daunting task. Why? Because they have ample experience in the process and are not usually willing to give discounts because there is no incentive for them. As a home buyer, you do not have the leverage you need to negotiate effectively. That’s where our realtors at Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty - Reeds Real Estate come into play.

We will negotiate with the home builder from a place of strength, and we may even be able to get you the special features you want without breaking the bank. Why? Because we have leverage. With our expertise in the real estate industry, we can bring in new customers to the home builder. 

To ensure that they continue to get a steady stream of customers from us, they are willing to budge on prices of things for our current clients. We have built strong relationships with builders and are happy to put those relationships to work for home buyers like you to make sure your new construction home in Hampton is everything you have always dreamed of and more!

3. Our Middlemen Control Conflicts

Throughout the course of the home building process, some tensions may arise between you and the builder. This can turn into a heated conflict that may even derail the whole process until the issue is settled. One of the sources of this conflict is often the dense legal language included in the builder’s contract. Without experience and expertise with these contracts, there can be serious misunderstandings that could put you and your family at odds with the builder.

With a skilled and experienced realtor advocating for you, there is less of a chance that you will become entangled in a heated conflict. We make sure that tensions do not erupt. Our realtors are the neutral third-party you need throughout the transaction so that you do not have to become frustrated or angry. We work out the issues and make sure your home building process does not become derailed over something small.

4. Be Sure You Work with Top Inspectors and Lenders

Your home builder may offer you a discount or other incentive to work with their preferred lenders, inspectors, and/or title companies. While these incentives may be nice, they are often not worth the struggle and frustration that come from working with the wrong companies who do not have your best interests in mind. 

It is vital that you work with the very best companies throughout the home building process for your new construction home in Hampton, and our team of real estate professionals will make sure you get the very best terms possible. Because your 100% satisfaction is imperative to us, we work diligently to make your home dreams a reality.

5. Our Realtor Services Are FREE!

One thing that many home buyers do not realize is that the services of a real estate professional during the process of a new construction home in Hampton are 100% FREE. Yes, you read that correctly. Why? It is because the home builder has already worked the cost of our services into their budget for the process. It is similar to the way that a home seller would pay for the realtor used by the home buyer. 

Our commission is paid for by the home builder, so there is no reason not to use our services. We advocate for you and make sure that the process is as easy and risk-free as possible. Most home builders understand that our commission is a necessary expense for them, especially if we are known to bring in new business. It makes sense for home buyers to take advantage of this expense. 

Take note, though, that if you do not utilize our services as your realtor, you will not get a discount or have any savings on the cost of your new construction home in Hampton. The builder has already worked the cost of the realtor into their budget, so you would be wise to use the realtor to your advantage. At Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty - Reeds Real Estate, our realtors are here to ensure you get the best deal on your new home – GUARANTEED!

Ready to Invest in a New Construction Home in Hampton? Call Us!

If you and your family are ready to build the home of your dreams, be sure you are working with a realtor who has plenty of experience and knowledge about a new construction home in Hampton. At Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty - Reeds Real Estate, we have that expertise.

Our dedicated realtors are 100% committed to making sure you are able to build the ideal home in Hampton and have a totally risk-free experience. With all of our experience in the real estate industry, we have built some very strong relationships with local new construction home builders in Hampton that we would be proud to share with you during the process. These builders include:

Ready to invest in a new construction home in Hampton? Give us a call at (757) 799-4824 or fill out the form below with the requested information. Our team is excited to help you begin your real estate journey!


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(757) 799-4824