Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty - Reeds Real Estate

HOMEWARD BOUND- Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty Reeds Real Estate

“Your Home Sold GUARANTEED or We’ll Buy It!!”

At Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty – Reeds Real Estate we love the Holiday Season and wanted to share with you some exciting news for the New Year.

It seems most people establish New Year’s resolutions, but for whatever reason, they fall short of keeping them. Each year we highlight a great cause that helped us and our team dramatically improve our follow-through on achieving important goals and we wanted to share that with you – as sort of a Happy New Year After Christmas Gift. Some of your friends, neighbors, associates, or relatives may have a New Year’s resolution to make a move. Well, we can help them with that, help you and help the community at The Union Mission Ministries at the same time.


A real estate company with experience, proven results, and a give-back philosophy! HAVING PEACE OF MIND AND GETTING TOP DOLLAR FOR YOUR HOME. EXPERIENCE COUNTS!

As a result of working with over hundreds of families over a 17-year time span and through three documented recessions, we have developed a special market-proof program to quickly get an acceptable “cash” offer on any home for market value. So, we are giving Home Owners wanting to make a move a very special gift this holiday season.

OUR GUARANTEE to you, your friends, and family— For the month of January, anyone you know wanting to sell their house, we will guarantee the sell of their home for 100% of Market Value or We’ll Pay the Difference.*

They outline the goals, we agree to deliver, if we don’t, we pay the penalty. Who do you know considering selling their home that would benefit from that kind of peace of mind? Just let us know and we’ll give them a call! Just like we are thankful for you and your business, we are confident your referrals will be thanking you for steering them in the right direction to getting their home sold!!!

And remember… Your Referrals Help Continue the Life-Changing Work by Union Mission Ministries! Just like last year, we are on a mission to raise $15,000 for The Union Mission Ministries!To someone who is hungry and homeless, one meal can bring hop and mark the first step toward true life change. Your donations make a difference!

The Union Mission Ministries is Making a Difference Today and for Tomorrow

Whether it’s providing Food for the struggling and hungry through its many food pantries, or providing school supplies for our community to children and students in need, or providing Christmas presents for the Holiday’s, Union Mission Ministries leads the way in restoring lives one person and one community at a time. We understand what it is like to be in need, and together our hearts can encourage and support those who need us most.


Who do you know considering buying or selling a home you could refer to our real estate sales team? Not only will they benefit from our award-winning real estate service, a very worthy cause will benefit as well. We want to make it easy to refer your friends, neighbors, associates or family members considering making a move, so here are your options:

  • You can pass along our business cards to them. We have enclosed a couple here for that purpose.
  • You can click here to enter their contact info online or forward the link to who you know considering a move.
  • Of course you can always call us direct as well at 757- 330-8675.

Over the decades of helping families sell or buy the place they call home we have met some of the most wonderful, loving, caring people sharing the same Go Serve Big values we do!

The Union Mission Ministries shares similar commitments to everyone they help, and since their services survive on sponsorships and donations we are happy to contribute and proud to support them. We encourage you to visit their website here to check out how they are making a difference in the lives of families right here in Hampton Roads!

We hope you and your loved ones have an extra special Holiday Season and a Happy New Year filled with much joy and happiness!

With all our appreciation.

Kelvin & April Reed


Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty – Reeds Real Estate

(757) 799-4824