Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty - Reeds Real Estate

The Best Ways to Find the Right Realtor in Virginia Beach

Does the home selling or home buying process seem intimidating or overwhelming to you? The best way to simplify the process is to have the assistance of an experienced and skilled realtor in Virginia Beach. When you are in search of an expert real estate agent, it is essential that you do the proper research and ask the right questions. 

If you are looking for a realtor in Virginia Beach to help you buy or sell a home, there are some specific questions you should ask to make sure this real estate agent is right for you. Some of the questions may be pretty tough for certain real estate agents to answer, and that is why they are even more essential for you to ask.

These questions can be very difficult for lots of real estate agents to answer because it will show you that they are simply not the right real estate agent for you. Finding another realtor in Virginia Beach is critical when other real estate agents can’t answer these simple questions. In the real estate industry, not every real estate agent is the same or will be able to provide you the best possible service. 

Remember, your home is probably the biggest and most important investment you will ever have. It is critical that you choose the right real estate agent in Virginia Beach to provide you with exceptional real estate advice and representation.

Quintessential Questions to Ask Your Realtor in Virginia Beach

Why Should I Trust You to List My Home in Virginia Beach?

In previous years, the real estate industry was much more straightforward and easy. In the current real estate market, this is much different. If you are trying to stand apart from the competition, you must have a solid and innovative marketing strategy, and that is where your real estate agent comes into play. 

How will your real estate agent market your home in order to sell it quickly and for the highest price? This information will determine why you should entrust one real estate agent over another with the sale of your home. 

Do You Have a Proven Track Record in the Real Estate Industry?

When you buy or sell a home in Virginia Beach, you should line up interviews for real estate agents. One of the things to find out from the real estate agent in Virginia Beach is their track record for selling homes. Most real estate agents sell fewer than 10 homes per year! At that rate, those real estate agents probably do not have the resources needed to properly market your home and give it a high profile when compared to other homes. 

Knowing your real estate agent’s track record in the real estate industry can give you an idea of how quickly they will be able to sell a home in Virginia Beach for you and if you will get top dollar for that home. So, pay close attention to a real estate agent’s track record and ask them what their marketing plan for your home will look like.

Also be sure to find out how much time and energy they can dedicate to the sale of your home. Do they have an assistant to handle busy work so that your home is top priority? If they don’t work with a team or have resources, you can bet that the sale of your home is not going to be a high priority.

How Will You Market My Home for Sale in Virginia Beach?

Advertising is one of the most important aspects of selling a home in Virginia Beach because it is the easiest way to get your home in front of potential home buyers. Find out what the marketing plan will be and how much the real estate agent plans to spend on advertising. 

Where will the real estate agent do the advertising? Will media (newspapers, magazines, TV, etc.) be part of the marketing strategy? Get some hard numbers from your real estate agent about the effectiveness of one medium over the other. If they don’t have those numbers, find someone who does!

We’re Offering a FREE Report – Order Yours Now!

The items listed above are only a few of the things you need to know before you hire a real estate agent. If you are interested in finding out more, order your FREE report on the 10 things everyone should know while looking for a real estate agent in Virginia Beach! It is 100% free and comes with no obligation to buy or sell a home with our team.

Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty – Reeds Real Estate is the best real estate agency in Virginia Beach to help you buy or sell a home.  Call (757) 799-4824 or simply fill out the form and we will get back to you.


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